
I'm currently a master student at ETH Zurich. I received my Bachelor's degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. I work with Prof. Alan L. Yuille at CCVL for my current research. Previously, I worked with Prof. Marco Hutter and Prof. Peidong Liu.

My research interests lie in computer vision and robotics, with a focus on 3D computer vision (e.g. 3D reconstruction, SLAM). I am actively looking for the Ph.D. position in 3D vision and robotics starting from Fall 2025.


* denotes equal contribution or advising; † denotes corresponding author

USB-NeRF: Unrolling Shutter Bundle Adjusted Neural Radiance Fields
ICLR 2024
USB-NeRF can remove rolling shutter effect and realize high-quality scene reconstruction from a sequence of rolling shutter images.


MDS-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields with Monocular Depth Supervision
We utilize affine-invariant depth supervision to address the messy geometry of few-shot scene reconstruction. Our method could estimate the scales and offsets of monocular depth, realize high-quality scene reconstruction with only a few images.
Dynamic Lighting in Neural Radiance Fields
We employ physically-based rendering to decompose the scene into illumination, material, and geometry components. By modelling the illumination with the combination of hemispherical light sources and an environment map, our method can eliminate heavy shadows caused by uneven lighting and improve the quality of scene reconstruction.