
I'm currently a master student at ETH Zurich. I received my Bachelor's degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. I work with Prof. Marco Hutter at RSL for my corrent research. I was an intern at CVGL supervised by Prof. Peidong Liu.

My research is focused on computer vision and robotics, with a focus on 3D computer vision (e.g. 3D reconstruction, SLAM). I am actively looking for the Ph.D. position in 3D vision and robotics starting from Fall 2025.


* denotes equal contribution or advising; † denotes corresponding author

USB-NeRF: Unrolling Shutter Bundle Adjusted Neural Radiance Fields
Moyang Li*, Peng Wang*, Lingzhe Zhao, Bangyan Liao, Peidong Liu†
USB-NeRF can remove rolling shutter effect and realize high-quality scene reconstruction from a sequence of rolling shutter images.


MDS-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields with Marigold Depth Supervision
We utilize affine-invariant depth supervision to address the messy geometry of few-shot scene reconstruction. Our method could estimate the scales and offsets of Marigold depth, realize high-quality scene reconstruction with only a few images.
Dynamic Lighting in Neural Radiance Fields
We employ physically-based rendering to decompose the scene into illumination, material, and geometry components. By using a combination of point light sources and environment maps, our method can eliminate heavy shadows caused by uneven lighting and improve the quality of scene reconstruction.